Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Amen Yeghitsi
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Amen Yev
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Barekhosutyamb
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Havsark
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Hayr Mer
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Hishva Ter
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Khorhurd Khorhin
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Khristosi Mej
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Ltsak
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Marmin Terunakan
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Orhnval
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Surb Astvats
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Surb Surb
Winds of Passion-Divine Liturgy - Ter Voghormya